Senin, 04 April 2011


Countable noun
Countable noun adalah benda yang bisa dihitung. Suatu benda termasuk benda yang bisa di hitung.
Di depannya bisa di gunakan :
 He bought a camera last Sunday
 She has a house in this town
 He has a new friend here
 They have ten typists in the head office
Mempunyai bentuk jamak (plural) :
 I have some English books
 These watches are very expensive
 Those women look very busy
Di depannya bisa menggunakan kata bilangan :
 Our English teacher has two dictionaries
 They have two house inthis town
 Mr. johson has four cars
 His father has two secretaries in the office

Pembentukan kata benda jamak
Kata benda jamak (plural) pada umumnya dibentuk dengan menambahkan akhiran –s pada kata benda tunggal (singular).
Singular Plural Meaning
pencil pencils pensil
car cars mobil
house houses rumah
ruler rulers penggaris

kata benda yang selalu dalam bentuk jamak dan menggunakan kata kerja plural (plural verb). Kata benda berikut ini slalu dalam bentuk plural dan menggunakan kata kerja pural.
a. Pakaian/sesuatu yang dipakai orang
Braces briefs corduroys culottes
Dungarees flannels flares galoshes
galasses knickers leggisngs veralls
trousers trunks

b. Peralatan /sesuatu yang dipergunakan orang
Binoculars clippers compases pincers
Pliers scales scissors shears
Tongs tweezers

Uncountable noun
Uncountable noun adalah benda yang tidak dapat dihitung. Jika suatu benda tidak dapat dihitung.
 Tidak bisa menggunakan kata sandang tidak tertntu (indefinite article) di depannya.
Salah : I need a water
Benar : I need some water

Kata di bawah ini termasuk kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung (uncountable noun).
Abens access anger beauty
Canser childhold confidence courage
Death depression design education
Equipment evil existence failure
Faith flesh ground happiness
Health ice joy ustice
Music patience pleasure policy
Protection respect sand salt
Snow strength teaching truth
Wealth weather welfare work

1. Secara umum some digunakn dalam kalimat positif (positive sentence) dan any digunakan dalam kalimat menyangkal (negative sentence).
 I have some English novels
 I don’t have any English novels
 She has some friends here
 She doesn’t have any friends here
 He has some new books
 There are some letters for him
 There are not any letters for him

2. Dalam kalimat Tanya (interrogative) biasanya di gunakan any. Meskipun demikian, some juga sering digunakan jika kita mengharapkan suatu jawaban yes.
Questions : Do you have some money ?
Answer : Yes, I do.
Question : Do you still have some other questions ?
Answer : Yes, we do
Question : whould you like some more coffe ?
Answer : Oh, yes, please

3. Any digunakan sesudah kata-kata yang memunyai arti negative, seperti: without,never,seldom,hardly,atau rarely.
 I could find his new address without any difficulties
 My little brother never did any homework
 There where hardly any eggs left in the kitchen
 The typist selddom made any mistakes in tying

1. Kita menggunakan all atau all of jika kita membicarakan jumlah sesuatu atau orang dalam suatu kelompok dalam suatu keseluruhan. All diikuti bentuk jamak (pluralform) benda yang bisa dihitung dan benda yang tidak bisa dihitung.
Salah : all the guest at the party got a present.
Benar : all the guests at the party got a present.
Salah : all my brothers was at the airport to see me off last week.
Benar : all my brothers were at the airport to see me off last week.
Benar : the baby seemed to cry (of) the time last night.

2. All+noun digunakan untuk menunujukan sesuatu secara umum (general) dan all the + noun digunakan untuk menunjukan orang atau benda tertentu.
 All children like ice cream.
(=anak-anak secara umum)
 All the children in this class will get some milk.
(=anak-anak tertentu)
 All advice will be useless.
(=nasihat scara umum)
 All the you gave him was useless.
(=nasihat tertentu)
3. All juga digunakan jika yang dimaksud adalah satu-satunnya atau tidak ada lagi yang lain.
 I’m not hungry. All I want is a cup of cold tea.
 He is really a poor man now. All he has is what he wears.


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