Senin, 04 April 2011


Active adalah kalimat yang lebih menekankan pada pelaku dan akibat dari perbuatan pelaku.
dan kalimat passive adalah kalimat yang lebih menekankan pada kejadian atau peristiwa.
Untuk mngubah sebuah kalimat kalimat active ke dalam kalimat pasif, kalimat yang akan di ubah biasanya mempunyai kata kerja transitif (trasitife verb) atau kalau kita ingin menggunakan kalimat pasif, kata kerjanya harus kata kerja transitif.
Contoh :
1. Struktur kalimat aktif dalam past tense.
Subject + had + verb(3) + object
Active :
 Linda had swept the floor when she left the house this morning.
 Lindahad not swept the floor when she left the house this morning.
 Had linda swept the floor when she left the house this morning?
Subject + had + been + verb(3) + object
Passive :
 The floor had been swept (by linda) when she left the house this morning.
 The floor had not been swept (by linda) when she left the house this morning.
 Had the floor been swept (by linda) when she left the house this morning.

2. Struktur kalimat dalam past perfect continous tense.
Subject + had + been + verb-ing + object
Active :
 Linda had been sweeping the floor I when I calld her this morning.
 Linda had not been sweeping the floor I when I called her this morning.
 Had linda baen sweeping the floor I when I called herthis morning.
Struktur kalimat aktif dalam past perfect continous tense.
Subject + ha + been + being + verb(3) + object
Passive :
 The floor had been being swept(by linda) when I called her this morning.
 The floor had not been being swept (by linda ) when I called her this morning.
 Had the floor been being swept (by linda) when I called her this morning.

3. Struktur kalimat aktif dalam simple future tense.

Subject + shall/will + be +verb(3) + object
Active :
 My father will shell that old house next month
 My father will not shell that old house next month.
 Will my father sell that old house next month?
Struktur kalimat pasif dalam simle future tense.
Subject + shall/will +be + verb(3) + object
Passive :
 That old house will be shold by (my father) next month.
 That old house will not be sold by (my father) next month.
 Will that old house be shold by (my father) next month.

4. Struktur kalmat aktif dalam future continous tense.
Subject + shall/will + be + verb-ing + object
Active :
 My little sister will be doing her homework.
 My little sister will not be doing her homework.
 Will my little sister be doing her homework?
Struktur kalimat pasif dalam future continous tense.
Subject + shall/will + be + being + verb(3) + object
Passive :
 Her homework will be being doing (by my little sister).
 Her homework will not be being doing (by my little sister).
 Will her homework be being doing (by my little sister)?

5. Struktur kalimat aktif dalam future perfect tense.
Subject + shall/will + have + verb(3) + object
Active :
 Sandra will have told the news by five o’clock this afternoon.
 Sandra will not have told the news by five o’clock this afternoon.
 Wild Sandra have told the news by five o’clock this afternoon?
Struktur kalimat pasif dalam future perfect tense.
Subject + shall/will + have + been + verb-3 + object
Passive :
 The news will have been told (by Sandra) by five o’clock this afternoon.
 The news will not have been told (by Sandra) by five o’clock this afternoon.
 Will the news have been tol (by Sandra) by five o’clock this afternoon?


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